This is a continuation of our study on angels. Angels are spiritual beings created by God. Although they are spirit, they can be seen by man when God permits them to take on some type of physical form. Today we are going to continue to take a look at what the Bible says about angels and to start to discover how some angels went from being God’s messengers to being cast out of Heaven by God. We will explore whether the Devil is some fictional creature made up to scare us into good behavior or, if the Devil is real; what does the Bible says about it? If the Devil is real, why did God create such an evil entity? Does the Bible give us any advice on how to combat this evil? Let’s learn together what the Bible has to say.
The “fall” in Eden, the sinful earth as a precursor to the great flood, the tower of Babel. What do these events potentially have...
What is the purpose of baptism? Is it even in the Bible? If yes, what does the Bible say about it? Is baptism essential...
Why is Caesarea Philippi though only briefly mentioned in the New Testament, such a significant place? Listen to this podcast and find out why...