We are swimming along in this sea of discovery in this small yet packed with meaning, Book of Jonah. So far we have seen that this prophet is perhaps better at being an anti-prophet as he focuses on trying to run away from God rather than to preach to the Ninevites. We find out very quickly that none of us can hide from God! This is an upside down story full of twists and turns. Come along with me and discover how this small book encompasses the whole story of the Bible in 4 chapters!
What do she-bears and axe-heads and Centurion soldiers have to do with miracles? Come along and find out! The God of miracles is alive...
Have you ever thought of David as a prophet? Take a look at psalm 22 and you will be convinced! This psalm truly was...
Why is Caesarea Philippi though only briefly mentioned in the New Testament, such a significant place? Listen to this podcast and find out why...