Latest Episodes

Hero or Zero
If someone was to write your life's story, would you be a hero or a zero? Kind of harsh if you think of yourself...

Jars of Clay
Have you ever felt broken, discarded, abandoned, forgotten? Have you ever thought that you are in just too many pieces to repair? Paul talks...

I despise New Year's resolutions! There, I got it off my chest. I don't like making them and I definitely don't like breaking them!...

Advent of Peace
What does peace look like? Does it depend on your own personal experience? What responsibility do we have to create peace on earth? Is...

Advent of Hope
What is Advent? It is a season of anticipation and of hope. Hope of what? Hope of Christ's return. Advent means "coming". We have...

Jeremiah Part 2
How many of us are frustrated with God because we see evil seeming to get away scott free? How many of us cry out...